Around the Aquitaine Region in 101 Buildings

Around the Aquitaine Region in 101 Buildings | Le Festin
Around the Aquitaine Region in 101 Buildings

Novembre 2011 / 144 pages / 22 x 28 cm
NOUVEAU PRIX : 9,90€ au lieu de 15€

How can we define the Aquitaine Region? It is France’s third largest region, and offers an astonishing variety of landscapes, each reflecting the strong cultural currents in which its identity is rooted. The Atlantic Ocean forms its long seaboard, interrupted only by two major estuaries, the Gironde and Adour, into which pour the winding rivers of its interior –the Dordogne, Gironde, Lot, Garonne, Adour and Gaves du Béarn. To the northeast, lie the foothills of the Massif Central and to the south the Pyrenean mountain chain, marking the border with Spain. 


From the Périgord to the Basque Country, the region’s character is determined by its proximity with the ocean, while the Garonne valley is more clearly coloured by the neighbouring influence of southern France. The present guide offers the reader a selection of 101 buildings and historic sites. It does not pretend to be exhaustive and is, at times, subjective. Our aim is to reflect the inspiring diversity of the region’s cultural heritage, inviting the reader on an informed voyage of discovery, borne on the tide of insatiable curiosity the region’s myriad faces never fail to inspire.

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La collection des 101 sites et monuments